Our stunning Stretch is an adult boa constrictor: a large, powerful snake that lives in tropical places like the rainforests of Central and South America. They can grow as long as a car and come in all sorts of colors, from browns and grays to red and green patterns that help them blend into their surroundings.

Unlike some other snakes, boas are non-venomous, which means they don’t use poison to catch their food. Instead, they wrap their strong bodies around their prey and give a tight squeeze, called constriction, which is how they got their name! They eat animals like birds, monkeys, or even wild pigs (although Stretch’s favourite meal is a jumbo rat).

Boas are great at climbing trees, slithering across the ground, and even swimming! These snakes are also quite patient hunters, waiting still and quiet for the perfect moment to catch their next meal. What’s amazing is that after a big meal, they might not need to eat for weeks or even months.

Even though they seem scary, boa constrictors are shy and would rather avoid humans. They're also important for keeping nature balanced by helping control animal populations.

FUN FACT: Stretch is actually over 7ft long - he’s just over 7’1”!


Pumpkyn is a bearded dragons: a cool-looking lizard that comes from the deserts of Australia. They get their name because they have spiky scales under their chin that puff up like a beard when they feel excited or scared! These "beards" also change color, turning dark when they want to show off or defend themselves.

Bearded dragons, or "beardies," are gentle and friendly, which makes them popular pets. They love basking in the sun to warm up because, like all reptiles, they’re cold-blooded. In the wild, they eat all kinds of things—bugs, plants, fruits, and even small animals. They have sharp eyes and a long, sticky tongue to catch insects like crickets and worms (Pumpkyn’s favourites are morio worms!).

Beardies also communicate in funny ways, like waving their arms or bobbing their heads to talk to each other. They're curious creatures and can often be seen climbing rocks, branches, and exploring their surroundings.

FUN FACT: Pumpkyn is a special ‘hypo morph’, which means he’s vibrant orange and red.


Xander is a blue-tongued skink: an amazing lizard that has a very special feature—a bright blue tongue! When they feel scared, they stick out their tongue to surprise predators. It’s like their secret defense trick, because the sudden flash of blue can startle animals that might want to eat them.

These skinks come from Australia, New Guinea, and nearby islands, and they’re known for being gentle and friendly, just like bearded dragons. They have smooth, shiny scales, and their bodies are long and flat with short legs, which makes them look a bit like a lizard mixed with a snake!

Blue-tongued skinks are great at hiding, and they love to burrow under leaves, rocks, or in small tunnels. In the wild, they eat a bit of everything—bugs, fruits, plants, and even snails! They’re not picky eaters, and their powerful jaws help them crunch through tough food.

These lizards are also fun because they’re slow and steady movers, and they don’t get easily stressed. Blue-tongued skinks make good pets for this reason, and they can live for a long time, sometimes up to 20 years! With their funny blue tongues and curious nature, they’re one of the coolest reptiles around.

FUN FACT: Xander is extra-special because he’s an ‘axanthic’ morph; a black-and-white skink that’s considered to be one of the most beautiful skinks in the world.


Yemen chameleons, also known as veiled chameleons, are colourful reptiles that come from the hot, dry deserts and mountains of Yemen and Saudi Arabia. These chameleons are famous for their incredible ability to change color! They use this skill to blend in with their surroundings, communicate with other chameleons, or show their mood. When they’re happy or calm, they might be green, but if they’re upset or excited, they can turn bright colors like yellow, orange, or even stripes!

Yemen chameleons have long, sticky tongues that can shoot out faster than a blink of an eye to catch insects like crickets and flies. Their tongues are sometimes even longer than their bodies! They also have super cool eyes that can move in two different directions at the same time, allowing them to look all around without moving their heads.

Another fun feature is the large crest, or "veil," on top of their heads, which looks like a little helmet and helps them stay cool in the sun. These chameleons love climbing trees and bushes, and their special feet, with toes grouped together, help them grip branches tightly.

Though they may look like tiny dragons, Yemen chameleons are shy and would rather be left alone to explore. With their color-changing skills and funny tongue tricks, they’re one of the most fascinating reptiles on the planet!

FUN FACT: We’ve had Axl since he was a few months old, and he’s probably the most spoiled chameleon on the planet.


Blueberry is one of our two Amazon milk frogs: fascinating little frogs that come from the rainforests of the Amazon in South America. They get their name from the milky, white substance they release when they feel scared, which helps protect them from predators. But don’t worry—these frogs aren’t dangerous to humans!

Amazon milk frogs are known for their beautiful colours. When they’re young, they are a bright blue colour with black stripes, but as they grow older, their skin turns a light gray with dark brown patches, making them look like they’re wearing camo! Their skin always looks a bit shiny and smooth because they live in wet, humid environments.

These frogs spend most of their time high up in the trees, where they can climb and hop from branch to branch. They have sticky toes that help them grip the trees, which is perfect since they rarely come down to the ground.

Amazon milk frogs love to eat insects like crickets, moths, and flies. Their big, wide eyes help them spot their prey, especially at night, because they are nocturnal and do most of their hunting in the dark.

With their cool colours, sticky feet, and love for tree-living, Amazon milk frogs are one of the most unique frogs in the rainforest!

FUN FACT: Blueberry’s favourite place is chilling out in his little frog pond.


Mexican red knee tarantulas are large, furry spiders that live in the deserts and scrublands of Mexico. They’re famous for their striking looks—dark black or brown bodies with bright orange or red patches on their knees, making them one of the most colourful and popular tarantulas around!

Even though they might look scary, Mexican red knee tarantulas are actually pretty calm and shy. They spend most of their time hiding in burrows or under rocks, coming out at night to hunt. Instead of spinning webs to catch prey like other spiders, they use their speed and sharp fangs to grab insects, small lizards, or even frogs.

Their furry bodies are not just for looks! The tiny hairs on their legs and abdomen help them sense vibrations around them, which helps them detect danger or prey. If they feel threatened, they can flick these hairs at enemies to make them back off.

One cool thing about these tarantulas is that they can live for a long time—females can live up to 30 years! Despite their fearsome appearance, Mexican red knee tarantulas are gentle creatures and are even kept as pets by people who love spiders. With their bright knees and interesting behavior, they are one of the most unique spiders in the world!

FUN FACT: We’ve had Sandy since she was a tiny ‘sling’ (short for ‘spiderling’!). She’s super-friendly, and very chilled out.


Dolly is a tenrec: a small, amazing animal that lives on the island of Madagascar and parts of Africa. These little creatures come in all shapes and sizes—some look like tiny hedgehogs, others like mice, otters, or even shrews! Tenrecs are famous for their variety, and there are over 30 different species of them.

One of the coolest things about tenrecs is that some of them can roll into a ball and use their sharp spines for protection, just like hedgehogs. Others, like the aquatic tenrec, are excellent swimmers and spend most of their time in the water catching insects. Some tenrecs have tiny whiskers that help them feel around in the dark, and others can even make sounds by rubbing their spines together to communicate!

Tenrecs are mostly insect-eaters, munching on bugs, worms, and sometimes even small frogs or fruit. They have a good sense of smell and use it to sniff out food as they explore the forests and grasslands.

Though they are small, tenrecs are tough little survivors. They can live in all sorts of habitats, from tropical rainforests to dry deserts, and some can even slow down their bodies to save energy during colder months!

With their spiky bodies, special whiskers, and ability to live almost anywhere, tenrecs are some of the most interesting and diverse animals in Madagascar!

FUN FACT: In her enclosure, Dolly has a little sand box that she uses to roll around in. This helps her exfoliate and clean her skin!


Pretzel is a royal python: a beautiful snake that comes from the grasslands and forests of Africa. They get their royal name because ancient African rulers used to wear them as living jewelry! These snakes are known for their calm nature and their cool pattern of dark brown, black, and gold spots.

What makes royal pythons special is how they defend themselves. Instead of being aggressive, they curl up into a tight ball when they feel scared, tucking their head in the middle to stay safe. That’s why they’re also called "ball pythons."

Royal pythons aren’t venomous, so they catch their food, like small mice or birds, by wrapping around them and giving a gentle squeeze, called constriction. These snakes are also great at hiding and exploring. In the wild, they love to find little burrows or crevices to hang out in.

Even though they may look tough, royal pythons are actually gentle and shy, which is why they are one of the most popular pet snakes in the world. With their royal history, amazing patterns, and gentle behavior, royal pythons are truly one of nature’s coolest snakes!

FUN FACT: So we can watch him at nighttime, Pretzel has a camera in his enclosure (called ‘PretzelCam’!) - and every night, he knocks it down…just for a giggle!

“the general”, OUR giant asian scorpion

Giant Asian scorpions are large, impressive scorpions that live in the rainforests of Southeast Asia. These scorpions are usually black or dark brown and can grow up to 8 inches long—about as long as a pencil! They have big, powerful pincers and a long, curved tail with a stinger at the end.

Even though their size and appearance might look scary, Giant Asian scorpions are actually pretty shy. They use their pincers to catch insects, spiders, and sometimes small lizards, but they only sting if they feel really threatened. Their venom isn't very strong, and it mostly helps them catch their food rather than harm larger animals.

One of the coolest things about these scorpions is that they glow under ultraviolet (UV) light! If you shine a special light on them at night, they turn a bright blue-green color, which makes them look like something from another world.

Giant Asian scorpions spend most of their time hiding under rocks, logs, or burrowing in the ground to stay safe from predators. They’re nocturnal, meaning they come out at night to hunt when it’s dark and cooler.

With their glowing bodies, strong pincers, and nighttime adventures, Giant Asian scorpions are one of the most fascinating creatures in the rainforest!

FUN FACT: We’ve had The General since he was a tiny baby, and his favourite thing to eat are mealworms.


Golden mantella frogs are tiny, bright orange frogs that live in the rainforests of Madagascar. These frogs are only about the size of a thumb, but their vibrant golden color makes them stand out. Unlike many animals, golden mantella frogs use their bright colour as a warning to predators that they are poisonous!

Even though they are poisonous, golden mantellas get their toxins from the food they eat in the wild, like ants and termites. In captivity, where they eat different foods, they aren’t poisonous at all. These frogs don’t have strong muscles for jumping far, but they are great at crawling and climbing on leaves and rocks.

Golden mantella frogs love living in moist, humid places, like rainforests, where they can stay wet and cool. They are most active during the rainy season when they search for food and find spots to lay their eggs in small ponds or pools of water.

What’s really interesting about these frogs is that they communicate using tiny, high-pitched calls. Even though they’re small, they can be pretty loud! Sadly, these frogs are critically endangered due to habitat loss, but conservationists are working hard to protect them.

With their dazzling colours, cool rainforest homes, and musical calls, golden mantella frogs are truly one of Madagascar’s most amazing creatures!

FUN FACT: Chester Zoo has been working hard to protect this species, and we’re hoping that our little colony will breed so that we can support that mission.


Victoria and Albert are micro squirrels (otherwise known as African pygmy dormice) - tiny, adorable rodents that live in the forests and savannas of Africa. These little critters are among the smallest mammals in the world, weighing only about the same as a few coins! They have big, round eyes that help them see well at night, and their soft, fluffy fur keeps them warm and cozy.

These dormice are mostly nocturnal, which means they are active during the night. When the sun goes down, they come out to play and explore, using their sharp sense of smell to find food. They love to munch on seeds, fruits, and insects, which they find in trees and bushes.

One of the coolest things about African pygmy dormice is their ability to climb! They have tiny, nimble paws that help them scamper up branches and leap between trees. They also build cozy nests made of leaves and grass in the hollows of trees or in dense bushes, where they can stay safe from predators like owls and snakes.

When it gets too cold, these little dormice can hibernate, curling up in their nests to save energy until the weather warms up again. With their tiny size, playful nature, and cute faces, micro squirrels are some of the most charming little creatures in the animal kingdom!

FUN FACT: Victoria and Albert sleep in a hollowed-out coconut shell!